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Who is Tamika Watson?


I am Tamika Watson, the owner, baker, and head caterer of Sinful Sweets. I discovered my love for cooking as a child. When I was around 5 years old, my dad bought me an Easy Bake Oven and a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Maker. These were more than toys to me, I fell in love! From then on I began baking and cooking every chance I got. I remember making cold pasta salads for my grandad and he used to love them, the best compliment to little me. I continued practicing and you could say my dad and grandad were my guinea pigs. This went on all the way up into high school when I began selling cakes. Fast forward into adulthood in which I began working at Costco back in 2008. I would bake treats and sit them in the break room and invite people in to taste them. It started off ok, then later became an issue with management and I was forced to quit in 2011.


This was the end before my new beginning and as I look back this was a blessing.


What is Sinful Sweets?


Sinful Sweets began in 2011 combining my passion and gift! Literally every time someone tasted a dessert of mine, they would say, “It has got to be a sin for this to be this good!” So that’s where the name Sinful Sweets was born. 


Within my 1st year of business, I secured a big order with The Women’s Foundation to create 1500 delectable cupcakes! The 1st year was a success and Sinful Sweets secured the contract for 3 years in a row. Sinful Sweets has been recognized as the Best Cupcakes in the City of Memphis. After successfully baking for celebrities I challenged myself to focus on my cooking which led me to catering events accompanied by my desserts.


Sinful Sweets continued to expand and I noticed that the holiday season was busy and one thing I dreaded was driving across town to get my boxes and supplies. This sparked my interest in solving this problem for myself and others and I started to look into opening a cake supply store. Opportunities aligned with my passion and expertise giving me the confidence to add a cake supply store to one of the services provided by Sinful Sweets. Now I am a caterer, baker, and cake supply store owner, call me the Jill of all trades!


What makes my brand stand out?


I put a lot of love into my craft. I made sure I was able to do multiple things to help people with their special events from weddings, showers, or any sort of gathering. It's much easier to be a one-stop shop for our customer's food and dessert needs instead of them having to shop around, so I wanted to make the process a little smoother for my customers. For Sinful Sweets online platform we will be an e-commerce cake supply store delivering around the United States as well as offering local delivery. I know the pain of being in the middle of baking to learn that you are missing one essential ingredient.  So if you are in the Memphis Tennessee area we offer local delivery for your convenience.


I am truly grateful to have Sinful Sweets and look forward to being a one-stop shop for all of your catering and baking needs.



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